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St Patrick's Primary School, Saul, Downpatrick

Tuesday 23rd June 2020

23rd Jun 2020

Good morning everyone, I hope you are all well and staying safe.

Another wet day greeted us this morning. It seems like a long time since we had wall to wall sunshine, but perhaps those days will return soon and we can enjoy a little more of the restrictions being lifted outside.

Yesterday we enjoyed a special Mass for our P7 leavers and the P7s from St Joseph’s, Ballycruttle. As Fr Alexander said, it was not the kind of leavers day that we would have wanted, but it was certainly one that they will remember. Fr told us the story about the old man who loved pencils. It was a lovely way of thinking about how we should all be thinking, and especially our P7s as they make the big step to Year 8 and beyond. They will have many challenges and decisions to make and we must all be there for them if they need us. We also remember those P7 friends who moved onto to other schools during their time with us, Ciaran, Kate and Lucy.

I apologise Fr, if I’ve left any of the details of your sermon out, but I think this is pretty close. Everything you do will always leave a mark. Pencils have rubbers so you can always correct the mistakes you make. The most important part of a pencil is the lead, which is at the centre. What is important is what is inside of you. In life, you will undergo ‘sharpenings’, which will only make you better as you learn from each one of them. To be the best pencil, you must allow yourself to be held and guided by the hand that holds you. If we allow God to hold us, we will be guided along the correct path. Sometimes we may stray and wander, but we can always be guided again.

Most of all, I liked the fact that what is important is inside of us and it doesn’t matter about looks, etc. We must be true to ourselves and we hope that the P7s can use the gifts and fruits of the Holy Spirit that they received at Confirmation, particularly Wisdom, Right Judgement and Patience.

Thanks to everyone who has returned school books over the last few weeks. We would appreciate any reading or text books to be left in before the 1st July. Books should be placed in a bag with your child/children’s names on the outside. They can be left in to school via the front doors and placed in the large trunk. Any books that your children do not use any more would also be very welcome.

The theme for the week (Mon 22 - Fri 26 June) for our child safety poster competition is - DANGERS FROM TRACTORS & OTHER FARM MACHINERY. Farmers and farm workers use tractors and other equipment every day. These machines are powerful, and if not operated safely, can lead to disabling injuries or death. To enter our competition all children need to do is draw a poster on a plain A3 or A4 page about the Dangers from tractors & other farm machinery.
Please ensure that all entries are drawn in portrait style and not landscape.

Parents/Caregivers just need to take a photograph of the completed poster and email to by Friday 26th June at 4pm. Please remember to include the child's name, age, school and a contact number for the parent/caregiver in the covering email. The winner will be notified next week.

Children of Primary school age can enter with the chance to win a £30 One4all gift voucher.

Children have been working on Mathletics and P2s received their log-in details yesterday. We will download data after midday today for certificates to be awarded later. Good luck everyone!

Accelerated Reader is still available for the P4-P7 children. We intend to keep it open as long as possible during the summer. You must use the link specific to our school:

Thanks to everyone for your great pictures. Eva had a lovely birthday in spite of the restrictions and Nieve certainly is living the life – place value and pool! Send us a photo please. If you'd like to share pics, please e-mail to:

Remember to keep praying for those who are sick or alone and those people who are working so hard to look after them. Pray for everyone who is so busy looking after you and still working to ensure we have everything we need. Pray for all of the children in our school and their families. We are so grateful to them all.

Stay safe.

Today’s joke:

Q: Why did the dog do so well in school? 
A: Because he was the teacher’s pet!