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St Patrick's Primary School, Saul, Downpatrick
School Closes 1045 - Have a lovely summer break!
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P5 Poets Published

12th Jun 2023

During the first term our P5s were busy writing poems as part of the Poetry in Motion programme. We were delighted when poems by Lacey & Isla were selected for publication along with their class poem 'The Mysterious Letter.',1088,


Last week we were delighted to receive the finished books along with a very special award. 12 children had their poems published and the whole class poem was awarded a specially framed 'Seamus Heaney Award for Achievement 2023 - Highly Commended,' certificate!

We are so proud of all our P5s for bringing this special accolade to St Patrick's!


The Mysterious Letter

Thick, rectangular, amber

Letter lying near the front door.


Raindrops smudged the name away.

Address survived the downpour.


Birthday card from Auntie

With money inside?

Speeding fine for Dad or Mum

Maybe we should hide!

Wedding invitation

To an exotic destination?

We’re competition winners

Starring on the local TV station?


From Great Uncle Joe

Who lives very far away?

We’ve won that football competition

We entered the other day?

Passports for a holiday

Mum and dad’s surprise?

Are we off to Disney Land

Have we won first prize?


I know we shouldn’t’ve

But we let our hopes rise.

Open it slowly


Peep inside…

Oh no – it’s a huge electric bill!

Maybe we should hide!

By P5 St. Patrick’s Saul