Lenten Appeal 2024
With school finished for the term and Lent almost over we reflect upon one of our most successful Lenten appeals. the children were absolutely brilliant throughout and your generosity was truly fantastic. We had eggs, eggs and more eggs every Friday for our weekly raffles and then our grand finale draw had some beautiful sweet hampers and another bunch of eggs. Thanks to everyone who donated including PTFA for ensuring that at least one child in each class won an egg on the last day!
Jack in P3 won the huge prize donated by Niamh and Aoife's granda. Then Lucy P6 won the delicious hamper from Ellie & Maisie's granny, while Aoife P3 won the huge eggs donated by ASDA Downpatrick. There were loads of other winners including Miss McMullan who put hers back into the raffle, along with a few others from someone's office!
So far we've raised just over £1,400 for our worthy causes and if you want to send in any Trócaire boxes after Easter, we'll be very happy to add them to the total.
Go raibh mile maith agat!
St Patrick's Primary School, Saul, 16 St Patrick's Rd, Downpatrick BT30 7JG Phone: 028 4461 4145