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St Patrick's Primary School, Saul, Downpatrick

Lent 2024

21st Feb 2024
As part of Lent each year in St Patrick's we aim to raise money for charity via our weekly Easter Egg raffles in every class. We Fast, Pray and Give in the lead up to Easter and while we abstain from our normal Friday treats, we could win a delicious chocolate egg instead. Money can be brought in any day to buy a ticket (20p each) and eggs are also very welcome donations as well. The last of these raffles will be on Friday 15th March.

Thanks to Niamh & Aoife's granda, we'll also have a special children's only raffle on Wednesday 27th, with tickets being available from Tuesday 19th March (50p each). Prizes are:
  1. Easter Egg hamper packed with eggs of all sorts and sizes!
  2. A large, delicious Easter Egg
  3. A medium, delicious Egg
  4. A packet of yummy Creme Eggs!
All proceeds this year will go to Trócaire and we'll have a special assembly this Friday in school, when we will find out more about how much our support is needed.