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St Patrick's Primary School, Saul, Downpatrick

Friday 1st May 2020

1st May 2020

Good morning - 

Pyjamarama Day is here. On Junior Newsdesk there are links to lots of fun activities linked to reading. A day in your PJs sounds great! Over on BBC Bitesize, Friday is challenge day. Some cracking challenges there today.

I've been speaking with some of your parents over the last few days (taking a while to get around to everyone), and they have been saying that you are all doing well and even missing school! Who'd have thunk it? It's been lovely to hear about how hard you are working and how much you have all learned since you've been at home. Keep listening to your mums and dads and doing what your told. That's really important. Also remember that they will be missing their friends and their routines, so give them a break too!

Congratulations to those of you who have been able to take an AR quiz or three since Easter. 676495 words have been read this week.

Thanks for the photos. Riley's dog has been learning a lot and he may soon be the smartest dog in the country if he keeps up with Riley. Cormac has got stuck into his new Blue Planet topic and is going to give Greta the Great a run for her money. Harry is enjoying his reading - keep it up H! Any photos can be sent to

In May we pray to Mary. We ask her to look after all of God's children. we pray for those who are sick and those who are caring for them. We pray for everyone who looks after us and for all those who are working so hard in the services we still need every day. 

Enjoy your weekend and stay safe.