Fountain Foodbank Cheque presentation
Mr Breen from the Fountain Foodbank came along to assembly today to receive a donation from us. The money was raised from the ballots during our concerts at Christmas.
He asked us if anyone could guess what they did and Georgia from P1 answered that people who had no food were able to get some from him! He was very impressed!
He explained that lots of people from this area needed help throughout the year. He also told us that even some families from Aleppo were in the Downpatrick area. He told us how they had to leave everything behind them and were now here with nothing! He was glad that the money we donated would help Fountain Foodbank to help them.
Later this year he is going to come along before Advent and we will help this very worthy cause again.
If you'd like to find out more about how to help:
Fountain Street
BT30 6AW
- 028 44 615 201
St Patrick's Primary School, Saul, 16 St Patrick's Rd, Downpatrick BT30 7JG Phone: 028 4461 4145