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St Patrick's Primary School, Saul, Downpatrick


2022/2023 School Year

20th Apr 2023
Summer Term has arrived! P4 had great fun learning about sprints and practising...
5th Apr 2023
Thanks to our PTFA we had a lovely treat this week. On Tuesday, Aldo the Magician...
5th Apr 2023
Every day our 'old' school bell is rung in the hall during dinners. It has been...
5th Apr 2023
Our last edition of the term. It's hard to believe that the next one will be in...
3rd Apr 2023
Thank you to Mr Murphy, Aoife and Niamh's grandad, who organised the Smarties Challenge...
3rd Apr 2023
P4 have been learning all about Moses and how God saved the Israelites from the...
31st Mar 2023
The latest battle was dominated by P6 who lead from start to finish. After a strong...
30th Mar 2023 Please take a few moments...
30th Mar 2023
Congratulations to our P3s who celebrated their first confession in St Patrick's...