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St Patrick's Primary School, Saul, Downpatrick
School Closes 1045 - Have a lovely summer break!
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Children's Mental Health week 2023

10th Feb 2023

We've been 'Connecting' this week as part of Children's Mental Health Week. Chilcren have swapped yards at breaktime and enjoyed a special assembly on Monday morning when they enjoyed not only the 100th day, but shared examples of how we can make connections with each other every day. One of the simplest was to share a smile and watch it spread. A lovely thought for all of us to remember and practice!

P6 took part in an Zoom Art lesson with artist Sinead McDermott for Children's Mental Health week.

Our friends at Aware NI sent us a great resource which we've shared on our website and sent out via Private message to all parents. We've been very lucky to have had PawsB from AwareNI in our school before and our children enjoyed and benefitted from it. You can check out their webiste at:

P1s had some outdoor colouring which brightened everyone's day! They were also meditating.

P4s completed some Rangoli patterns outside.

We Connected with each other at breaktime with some open air dance moves!