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St Patrick's Primary School, Saul, Downpatrick
Reading Week - Monday 18th-Friday 22nd November
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Accelerated Reader

20th Dec 2019

At assembly today we were able to award another batch of certificates to children who had achieved their target for reading in the first term. Targets had been set according to each individual pupil's reading after the first five weeks of term, meaning that their target was based upon their performance so far. Nearly every child in P4-P7 achieved their set target - Well done!

This term we read over 19.5 million words from 2,590 books. That's an average of 195,000 words per pupil, or 26 books per pupil. Wow! Aobh in P7 also broke the 1 million word barrier and became our first word millionaire of the school year! Well done Aobh!!!