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St Patrick's Primary School, Saul, Downpatrick


2017/2018 School Year

29th Sep 2017
Another week, another set of brilliant pupils! Well done to the boys and girls who...
22nd Sep 2017
Almost at the end of our first month back at school and here we are again. A dozen...
15th Sep 2017
Another week of brilliant work in all of our classrooms. Pupils of the week were...
8th Sep 2017
Another year begins with our first group of pupils who have started the year so...
6th Sep 2017
PE Timetable for the first term. Please note that these are days when PE uniform...
30th Aug 2017
Well, the first day of the new school year has been and gone. The boys and girls...
28th Aug 2017
School reopens for all the children on Wednesday 30th August. There will be no breakfast...

2016/2017 School Year

26th May 2017
Another year and another trip to the Share Centre. P7s enjoyed probably the warmest...
10th May 2017
The P7 children from our school and St Joseph's Ballycruttle celebrated the sacrament...
1st May 2017
May is Mary's month and during May we pray to Mary, the Mother of all God's children.