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St Patrick's Primary School, Saul, Downpatrick


2015/2016 School Year

23rd May 2016
On Friday we said goodbye to Vincenzo from P2 who returns with his family to live...
23rd May 2016
Our P7s and boys and girls from Strangford, Killough, Dunsford, Ballycruttle and...
20th May 2016
Congratulations to our Pupils of the Week: Nicole, Noah, Katie, Conor, Eva, Poppy,...
13th May 2016
Congratulations to our fantastic Pupils of the Week. Friday 13th certainly wasn't...
13th May 2016
Jay in P6 received his certificate from the Royal College of Music after gaining...
13th May 2016
With Confirmation on Monday, the final preparations have been made. All of the P7s...